Upon delivery, we encourage you to immediately check your delivery bag to ensure all products match your order. If there are any issues, please alert your driver before they leave.
If your driver has already departed and you notice an issue with your items, contact our team at support@eaze.com or reach us through our live chat feature on www.eaze.com/menu.
If you accidentally pay your driver in cash but selected a different payment method when ordering, or if you receive incorrect change, please contact us at support@eaze.com or use our live chat feature on www.eaze.com/menu.
We always welcome feedback about your order and delivery experience. If you have any issues or would like to provide feedback, you can reach us via live chat or email us at support@eaze.com.
If everything is correct with your order, then please enjoy the moment! Be sure to follow our social channels and share your moments with friends.
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